About Me

Hello, it's Special Agent Dividend or Agent Dividend for short!  I'm a new blogger and new individual stock investor.  I just began this journey at the beginning of July 2014 and ready to get things rolling.  I'm a early 30s man with a lovely wife and beautiful kids.  My goal is to achieve financial success in order to live a very comfortable retirement with the wife and put my kids ahead of the game.

My traditional retirement plan has many prongs.  I'm lucky enough to work in a career that supplies a nice pension upon retirement.  I pay a small percentage into the pension plan and can retire with full benefits at 50.  In addition, I have a 401k type plan known as the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP).  TSP has limited options, as you can only invest in Index funds, such as a Small Cap fund, Common Stock fund, among others.  I fully leverage this account to meet the requirements for matching contributions.  Lastly, the retirement plan includes a third prong, which is Social Security.  Who knows if Social Security will still be around and kicking by the time I'm eligible, so I try not to even think I will be able to use it.  However, it is not necessarily feasible to be able to fully retire at 50, especially with two small children that will be college age at the time.  With that being said, I learned I needed to invest in individual stocks, preferably dividend growth stocks, to really boost my retirement and the ability to effectively retire at 50.  This blog will detail my journey to live well within my means and invest aggressively to fully leverage the benefits of long term dividend investing.

Thank you for following my journey! 


  1. Hey AD,

    Wanting to achieve financial independence well before the normal retirement age is a great goal to have. Good luck with it :)


  2. Financial independence is the "Holy Grail".
